• 1300 70 27 27



TIG Telecom IP VPN service provides an integrated solution, capable of supporting converged voice, video and data applications.

The Service offers a connection from multiple sites into a private IP/MPLS (Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching) domain allowing communication between sites, carried over the Carrier national MPLS network.

The Service is offered in all Australian capital cities and extensively across regional and rural locations.


  • fully meshed any-to-any network between locations.
  • Layer 3 network based on Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS).
  • built on state-of-the-art, carrier-grade infrastructure and provides reliable and scalable connectivity for even the most demanding business requirements.
  • built on state-of-the-art, carrier-grade infrastructure and provides reliable and scalable connectivity form even the most demanding business requirements.
  • Access to all 6 CoS, with a combination of pre-determined priority queuing and weighted round-robin traffic handling
  • 512kbps-10Gbps (Access >100Mbps subject to site qualification )Bandwidth will depend on the Access speed

Quality of Service (QoS)

Intelligently prioritise your traffic with 6 Classes of Service (CoS) available in 4 Quality of Service (QoS) packages:

  1. Best Effort (BE) Only: all traffic is carried in the Best Effort CoS
  2. Business Data (BD) Only: a simple business-grade CoS providing delivery assurance
  3. Simple QoS: Access to all 6 CoS, with a combination of pre-determined priority queuing and weighted round-robin traffic handling
  4. Flexible QoS: flexible customer defined bandwidth per CoS

Six Class of Service (CoS) types are available, each one aimed at optimally supporting a particular type of traffic.  The QoS Package will define the availability of CoS types for your Service.

The typical use for each of the traffic classes is shown in Table below:

Class Characteristics Suggested Purpose
RealTime-High Assured delivery with bounded delay and delay variation Voice over IP (transport)
RealTime-Low Assured delivery with bounded delay and delay variation Videoconferencing (transport)


Interactive-High Assured delivery with bounded delay Voice/Video signalling

Business critical interactive applications, such as SNA, Telnet, Citrix etc

Interactive-Low Assured delivery with bounded delay Interactive business applications, such as desktop unified communications
Business Data Assured delivery Non interactive business applications
Best Effort Best effort delivery Community communications (e.g. Facebook), Peer-to-peer traffic